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In our third commission from David Clive Price, we were briefed to produce a montage of video testimonials. These 'vox pops' were to endorse David as a keynote speaker on the subject of doing business in China. The finished programme needed to be short enough to use as an online video and added to his YouTube channel.


We knew David already had some video testimonials and wanted some fresh ones. In the process of delivering these, we wanted to add some panache to bring these in line with his growing online brand. This would be achieved by improving both the style and substance; The production values would ensure that the content was attractive and clear (style). The brevity and relevance of statements from his audience - named with the use of stylish graphics - would establish his credibility (substance).


Once filming and post-production were complete David reviewed his marketing film. On approval, we uploaded it to his Youtube Channel and optimised it for search engines. It was put on websites to promote upcoming workshops. and On seeing the final cut David wrote:

"a first-class job, beautifully done and very clear. I like the logo + captions, which are extremely helpful . I'm amazed you can get such a lot of information down to 2'16"! I'm really excited about it. It will also look stunning on LinkedIn. Many congrats!"


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