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Tower of babble

How is writing an Explainer Video Script like playing Jenga?

Wooden block game Jenga
Sentences in a script interrelate like Jenga blocks

According to game designer Leslie Scott the name "Jenga" comes from the Swahili verb "Kujenga" which means 'to build'. Although it starts with a built tower, players slide out blocks and then replace them on top of the stack. So the goal is really to rebuild.

This is a bit like writing an explainer video script, where what you begin with gets deconstructed and reconstructed. 

In Jenga, you restore pieces carefully, to avoid toppling the tower while rebuilding it. Likewise in script editing, you refine and adjust until you have a tight, impactful message.

Tip: Avoid a weak structure comprised of words that do not contribute to the meaning or flow of the script.

Here are some more similarities to consider when approaching how to write or edit an explainer video  script:

Balancing Elements 
Just like Jenga moves, every word and sentence in your script needs to be carefully considered. Remove too much, and the foundation weakens. Add too many details, and you risk overloading your message. Strike the right balance.

Strategic Decisions 
In Jenga, every move counts. Similarly, when you edit your script, you’re constantly making strategic decisions - deciding what to keep, and what to cut. What needs rewording to make your message clearer and more compelling?

Like the delicate tension in Jenga between stability and risk, editing a script requires walking the line between simplicity and creating impact. Can you make the point clear, without over-explaining and losing engagement?

Limited pieces 
There is a limit to the pieces in a game of Jenga and there's a limit to the number of words you can use in a tight script. Once you reach that capacity you can remove and replace - but you can't add.

As the blocks in Jenga rest on one another the sentences in a script relate to each other. Before removing or replacing consider the impact on the surrounding ones.

If you find yourself puzzling over an explainer video script contact us to learn how we can help.

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